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Thursday, June 29, 2017

I wrote this poem in 2007

9:31 PM - Tranquilly obsessed
Current mood:  contemplative
Category: Romance and Relationships
Carving the path
to destiny
hell's fury unintentional
looking upward
like eagle soaring high above the sky
I can feel God's presence
and be thankful for each person
who intersected my destiny
intended goodness will escape
like a balloon in the sky
it will descend like glitter over your shoulders
you will brush off my intuition unnoticed
but it will penetrate your flesh
when you close your eyes
your heart will bleed as you feel me
trickling down
I feel you in me
like a 5 scale storm
carving destiny through the clouds
of grey white nuance
trying to trip up my inner rage
I can only remember the beauty
and your spontaneous smile
as you traced your hand over my back side
my lips departed like paradise
eyes closed inner breath
and the one step short of betraying myself
to eternally love you
you have dismantled my dignity
left me frozen
my instincts are impeccable
I know in my heart
what event takes place
transfers back to you
someday you will recognize
the love you cannot accept
and weep at my grave
under a midnite moon.

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