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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Racial tension, Racial perception, Racial intensity 25 years after Los Angeles Riots #RodneyKing

Don, Ben, Jon all dissect several kind of intellectual border crossings within their framework to reflect/analyze race relations in America today.  Don is a collective thinker who magnifies his Black race with a "we" persona and the frivolity of the white race/conquest.  Ben forces Don to look deeper into the individual mindset that drove him to this position.  Jon has a blended perspective and sees past the color barrier to embrace all races. On an every day level, it matters who your friends are.  Jane and Jon have friends of all different races and I suspect Don & Ben do, too.  Jane has crossed racial taboos to have a Black child and raise him with a Baptist/Lutheran Midwestern frame of mind.  We all examine key events leading up to the L.A. Riots - Daryl Gates approval of a choke hold method to restrain individuals, the death of Latasha Harlin and choke hold death of James Mincey, Jr which ended in a large settlement.  There was no PCP in Mincey's system and toxicology reports were on the side of the victim.  Who is winning the war on racism?  Police brutality seems to win out at every turn except in the Guillermo Yanez case.  Tune in to this riveting episode with also a critique on Ben Carson and his mindset.

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